Team Success: How to Navigate Through the Shemozzle of the Federal Budget

The Australian Federal Budget has become delivered. And until you have been hiding within rock, you might have been thinking of the actual way it will affect both of you personally and coming from a business perspective. What I want to express today is following on from the last article in this particular series. It is actually about the value of planning (even the word might sound dreadful to a few of yourself), teamwork and making it fun. - kangen success

You need to know where you are heading if you want a sustainable future for your business. It is as simple as that. Compare it with bush hiking. You might be the adventurous type and leave with a little bit snack and a bottle water. You might have fun for a few hours wandering around, but once the snack is gobbled up and the water is gone, you will start to worry and wanting to go back to comfort. However, you might be so far off the beaten track that this might not be possible! To take it to the company world: You must be prepared, though there is nothing wrong with hiking off the beaten track. At a minimum, you have to have enough supplies (cashflow) and a compass (strategic business plan) to steer you along your journey.

When you are hiking with a small group of people (your team), it is important to include everybody within the planning in the journey (until you are managing a dictatorship - and you are aware how far which will require). It is vital that everybody is satisfied with the path we are taking, the hazards, the destination. This can ensure all of us stay committed, motivated and content during the trip. The food and drink supplies (cash and budgeting flow predictions) are another significant element through the journey. We will need to plan together on how we are going to consume the reserves and at what rate, before we can replenish our supplies. If we are all on the same page, we will not run into any unforeseen problems. - kangen success